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French 101


Neha Chowdhury

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Section 1: Grades 3-9, Sat 10-10:45 am EST, Sun 10-10:45 am EST

Prerequisites: none


This is a foundation course for French as a means of communication and expression. Here, you'll learn everything from pronunciation to sentence building, and in the end, you'll be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas effectively - in French!


 Greek Mythology


Lilia Vine

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Section 1: Grades: 5-8, Sun 12-12:45 pm EST

Prerequisites: none


In this course, you'll learn in-depth Greek mythology along with the historical context of those myths. You'll learn about myths such as Hades and Persephone, Eurynome and Boreas, the invasion of the Aledoi, and Pyramus and Thisbe. We'll cover Creation Myths, Gods, Heroes, Intersecting Myths, the Underworld, and more to teach beginners everything they need to know about Greek mythology and all of the historical and philosophical connections that SCHOOL DOESN'T TEACH YOU through in-depth class discussions: Are there really any heroes in the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, or in the world at large? How can you live your life without regret, and why didn't the souls sentenced to Tartarus use these tactics? And more. No prior knowledge required.

Cash Connoisseurs: Introduction to the Financial World and Banking


Kabirah Azeez

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Section 1: Grades: 5-8, Fri 7-7:45 pm EST, Sun 12-12:45 pm EST

Prerequisites: none


This course will introduce students to basic financial literacy concepts and provide them with a background in the world of banking and money. We will explore the history of money, saving and budgeting, loans, debt, credit, and much more. It will aid students in becoming financially literate and responsible adults.


 Classical Mythology


Arya Bhat

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Section 1: Grades: 4-8, Sun 4-4:45 pm EST

Prerequisites: none

In this course, we will delve into the world of Classical Mythology. We will explore Greek myths of Gods, Heroes, and Monsters through activities and stories. Throughout the course, students will gain a deep understanding of the cultural and historical significance of Greek Mythology, and they will also be able to explore their creativity and morality. We will cover everything from the creation of the universe to current beliefs, including individualized stories of Major Gods, important moments, and every story that a student wants to know.  

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